Monday, March 22, 2010

Days of Life

All the days are never the same in life. If all days were same, like all days were happy days, you would be bored of it. Then you would look forward to having some sadness in life. The problem is we humans need constant change. Something around must change. Even though some people believe they do not like change, the fact is they do not like change only for some things in life. Else there will be no joy left in life.

So if you are having a bad day today, look at the bigger picture. One it’s not the end of the world, and two you have learned something from this bad day. The only difference is you will realize the learning from the bad day on a later day. So when facing tough times, always remember, like good times, bad times will never stay forever. Everything in this world is always changing, whether you like it for not. Hence bad times have no choice but to change to good at some point. It is just a matter of time.


Adventuresoftheurbangumshoe said...

Yeah it's true. People like "excitement" in their lives, but are not prepared for when it really happens, yet they don't want things to be the same old boring day lolz

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Unknown said...

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!yew are totally ryt..........we people alwayz want change...bcz we want seee awlllll d colours ov lyf.!!!!!!

pappikuttan said...

great thought